[GRASS-dev] 6.4.1 blocker bugs?

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Wed Jan 26 20:41:09 EST 2011

I don't see any issues either - it would be great to get some of the fixes out.

Here are some comments on problems that we have seen on Win7
and that I mentioned already - they are more on the user side and perhaps
a GUI design rather than blockers.

d.legend - I have seen couple people having troubles (e.g., cannot get it display)
but I was unable to reproduce any of it, it is probably more the GUI design issue that lets users 
do things that do not make sense and then get stuck. That is something to look into 
for future releases - I will be keeping some notes on the users problems and hopefully 
not much will be needed to make it easier to use in future

As for the r.mapcalc issue - it was for older version in 6.5 when r.mapcalc GUI would not open after
typing the command and Enter in command console - it works in 6.4.1 for me.

The most serious issue was with import and export,
there was a lot of trouble with v.in.ogr, v.out.ogr running through GUI mostly due to lack of updates in my 
instructions but also this ticket was mentioned
Ticket #1022
is this still an issue? - the ticket is still open

apparently this works in windows also from GUI, if the path is defined properly and user has the right permissions 
v.out.ogr precip_30ynormals dsn=c:\temp\precipitation.kml format=KML type=point

but many reported that they were not able to export the data (neither raster nor vector) -
I am guessing that it is a permissions issue and/or perhaps a few windows specific examples could be added 
to the manual because it is such an important command.

There is a related #1018 for v.in.ogr, but it worked OK for me on win7 - perhaps it could be closed?
Milena if you are on this list - does it work for you?

The examples that the students had the trouble with are at the bottom
of this assignment, in case somebody with win7 wants to check it out
 (I will update the instructions because what I have there is clearly confusing for new users)

thanks a lot, Helena

Helena Mitasova
Associate Professor
Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
2800 Faucette Drive, Rm. 1125 Jordan Hall
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208
hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu

On Jan 26, 2011, at 6:06 PM, Martin Landa wrote:

> Hi,
> 2011/1/26 Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>:
>> time to think about 6.4.1RC2 I think... any opinions what's missing to
>> release it asap?
> +1 for RC2, no blockers from my side.
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa
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