[GRASS-dev] r45050: v.info: -r/-m/-t -> shell param

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 05:50:57 EST 2011


2011/1/27 Benjamin Ducke <benjamin.ducke at oxfordarch.co.uk>:
> I understand that in the starting phase of the new GUI
> it was necessary to do some cleaning up of the CLI interfaces
> so that the widgets would have a chance to
> interact properly with the modules. Fine; and it actually
> did the old CLI interfaces a lot of good to undergo revision.
> But for me, the point where we start modifying the CLI
> logics to improve the GUI appeal marks a dangerous threshold.
> We should not get into a situation where we pit GUI
> experience against CLI experience.

my motivation in this case is not driven by the GUI. I would like to
improve CLI logic first, the GUI dialogs are just influenced by that.

General idea for modules which print something to the output.

Two flags:

-p Print in human readable format (can be omitted by default behaviour
of the module)
-g Print in shell script style

If module can print different information (range, title, topo, etc.)
then add parameter `print` or something similar to control the
content. In the case of v.info `print=basic,extent,topo`, for r.info
`print=range,resolution,type,region,units,datum,title`. I think it
would make CLI a little bit clearer. Not speaking about GUI.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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