[GRASS-dev] Re: GRASS GIS 7 and QGIS connected using the Web Processing Service (WPS)

Soeren Gebbert soerengebbert at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 29 18:07:06 EST 2011

i would like to inform you that GRASS GIS 7 is now available via the
ZOO WPS server using the wps-grass-bridge.
Gérald Fenoy the main developer of the ZOO project has made a nice
video using QGIS with WPS plugin:

The ZOO project:

Now hundreds of GRASS GIS 7 vector and raster modules can be attached
out of the box to ZOO WPS, PyWPS and 52N WPS using the
wps-grass-bridge. :)

Best regards

2011/1/28 Soeren Gebbert <soerengebbert at googlemail.com>:
> Dear developers,
> i would just like to inform you about the latest development in WPS,
> Using the latest svn versions of GRASS GIS 7, PyWPS, wps-grass-bridge
> and the WPS Plugin from Horst Düster for QGIS it is possible to run
> more than hundred GRASS modules from QGIS out of the box.
> Have a look at this simple demo video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCnax9w1bCs
> How to attach GRASS modules to PyWPS using the wps-grass-bridge is
> documented here:
> http://code.google.com/p/wps-grass-bridge/wiki/PyWPS_Integration
> Well, the code isn't stable yet but it demonstrates the possibilities
> of this approach.
> Best regards
> Soeren

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