[GRASS-dev] wxpython not compiling automatically in GRASS 7

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Nov 2 20:55:27 EDT 2011

Michael Barton wrote:

> >> Somehow, the wxpython stuff is not compiling automatically in the
> >> newest svn trunk (GRASS 7).
> > 
> > It works for me.
> > 
> > What does the relevant portion of the make output look like?
> Long since cleared my terminal.

When compiling, please redirect the output to a file, e.g.:

	make &> build.log

If you want to monitor progress, either use "tee":

	make 2>&1 | tee build.log

or run "make" in the background and use "tail" on the file:

	make &> build.log &
	tail -f build.log

> What happens is that I get to the end with Error 1 and the standard
> message to cd to the relevant directory (../gui/wxpython) and make
> again. When I do, the remainder compiles fine. Seems like it is
> somehow not getting the needed information to compile that
> directory.

The problem should be apparent from the "make" output.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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