[GRASS-dev] visualize GRASS vector/raster on web

Mohammed Rashad mohammedrashadkm at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 11:40:51 EST 2011

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2011/11/29 Mohammed Rashad <mohammedrashadkm at gmail.com>:
> >
> > how to visualize vector/raster from directly from GRASS database?
> > I am building webGRASS. for that I linked GRASS GIS all libraries to my
> > application without any wrappers..
> I don't understand why you are spending so much time in this topic...
> I suggest you to work simply with OL e WPS [0]
because ultimate goal of webGRASS whcih will be as powerful as GRASS GIS
but on web
using pyWPS we can do grass commands in a different way and it is WPS.

I want worlds first webGIS which can do all kind of analysis on web

future webGRASS should act like a web UI like wxGUI.

with webGRASS you only need to carry grass data directory not the whole
In a company if you want to install grass you need to setup a postgis or
WMS layer and share it but you can do GRASS analysis on indivudual system
and some one need to upload it on server for others to use.

See this scenario.
For India or some other country can install webGRASS on a central server
and all government agencies can do all work online using webGRASS. like
land inspection checking which types of  agricultural production was going
on in a particular area from their office without going there.

Also a village office can measure the land needed by people for building
their home or company.

Whats wrong if we can do everything under one umbrella webGRASS???

A university can teach GRASS GIS, OpenSource GIS using webGRASS by
installing webGRASS on university website

These all are my goals when I started webGRASS. My ideas can be wrong. If
not it will be a great achivement and people will love to work on GRASS for
teaching, doing analysis within a company etc.. etc...

current way to use GRASS on web is to
use GRASS(analysis) + pyWPS(processing) + OL(rendering)

But remember we cant do all type of analysis using pyWPS (correct me if I
am wrong)... :)

I am thinking a to build a seamless gui which can read grass database
process data show it on web and download it.

In future webGRASS will also be a part of OSGeo :) (just my wish)

Please let me know your comments and suggestions if any

Hope I explained well....

> > --
> > Regards,
> >    Mohammed Rashad K M
> >    M.S. (By Research) student
> >    Lab for Spatial Informatics
> >    Department of CSE
> >    International Institute of Information Technology
> >    Hyderabad, India
> >
> my2cents
> [0] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/WPS
> --
> cheers
> Luca
> http://gis.cri.fmach.it/delucchi/
> www.lucadelu.org

   Mohammed Rashad K M
   M.S. (By Research) student
   Lab for Spatial Informatics
   Department of CSE
   International Institute of Information Technology
   Hyderabad, India
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