[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not
found in the command line
trac at osgeo.org
Tue Sep 20 16:27:14 EDT 2011
#1101: WinGrass7 + scripts are not found in the command line
Reporter: hellik | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: Packaging | Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: wingrass, scripts | Platform: MSWindows Vista
Cpu: Unspecified |
Comment(by hellik):
Replying to [comment:9 hellik]:
better layout of the messages
__________ ___ __________ _______________
/ ____/ __ \/ | / ___/ ___/ / ____/ _/ ___/
/ / __/ /_/ / /| | \__ \\_ \ / / __ / / \__ \
/ /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ / / /_/ // / ___/ /
\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/____/ \____/___//____/
Welcome to GRASS 7.0.svn (2011)
GRASS homepage: http://grass.osgeo.org
This version running through: shell (C:\Program Files\GRASS
Help is available with the command: g.manual -i
See the licence terms with: g.version -c
If required, restart the GUI with: g.gui wxpython
When ready to quit enter: exit
Launching 'wxpython' GUI in the background, please wait...
GRASS 7.0.svn> g.manual
sh.exe": g.manual: command not found
GRASS 7.0.svn> r.grow
sh.exe": r.grow: command not found
GRASS 7.0.svn> r.in.wms
sh.exe": r.in.wms: command not found
GRASS 7.0.svn> echo $GRASS_SH
C:\Program Files\GRASS 7.0.SVN\msys\bin\sh.exe
GRASS 7.0.svn> g.manual -ui
sh.exe": g.manual: command not found
GRASS 7.0.svn>
any hints to look why there seems to be tried invoking shell scripts
instead of the phytonized scripts in grass70svn?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1101#comment:10>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>
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