[GRASS-dev] 3D support for an application written by Qt and Qgis

farajtabar farajtabar at ce.sharif.edu
Wed Apr 11 14:32:45 EDT 2012

   I'm writing a gis application using qgia and qt.
   I want to add 3D rendering and visualization of 3D raster and vector 
files (like dem files).
   I need a library to add this functionality to my program.
   I've noticed that nviz is a grass module which can do this, however, 
I need a library or SDK to use its functionality and add 3D support to 
my program.
   Does Anybody know what can I use ?
Thanks in Advance

Mehrdad Farajtabar
M.Sc. Student of Artificial Intelligence
Digital Media Lab
Sharif University of Technology
Tehran, Iran.

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