[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #115: r.statistics: allow output to file and frequency count
trac at osgeo.org
Tue Aug 28 06:21:15 PDT 2012
#115: r.statistics: allow output to file and frequency count
Reporter: mlennert | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: enhancement | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: Default | Version: svn-trunk
Resolution: wontfix | Keywords:
Platform: Unspecified | Cpu: Unspecified
Changes (by mlennert):
* status: new => closed
* resolution: => wontfix
Replying to [comment:4 glynn]:
> Replying to [comment:3 mlennert]:
> > Just noticed that I was looking at grass6dev. In grass7 there is no
o_distrib.c anymore, and no 'distribution' method. Why was this taken out
? Redundancy with r.stats ?
> It was removed in r40648. I suspect that the reason was that it doesn't
behave like any of the other methods. Rather than generating an output
map, it just prints statistics to stdout. If the functionality is desired,
it should probably be in a separate r.distribution module.
I understand the logic and am closing this ticket as wontfix. I guess what
I was looking for would be more an enhancement of r.stats / r.reports to
provide different types of statistics of a cover map for different
categories of a base map (e.g. what is the range, stdev, min, max,
whatever of elevation in class 1 of my landcover map ?).
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/115#comment:5>
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