[GRASS-dev] Error while compiling grass 7.0 from source

Erick Opiyo osgis.dev at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 07:13:07 PST 2012

Hi Everyone,

*I encountered an error while installing GRASS GIS from source. When i run
the make command i got the following error (see attached error.log)*

*GRASS GIS compilation log
Started compilation: Tue Dec  4 17:17:19 EAT 2012
Errors in:
In case of errors please change into the directory with error and run
'make'. If you get multiple errors, you need to deal with them in the order
appear in the error log. If you get an error building a library, you will
also get errors from anything which uses the library.*

*And as suggested I changed into the affected directories and run the make
command again and the error listed below came up*

*Traceback (most recent call last):
line 50, in <module>
    from core.settings import UserSettings
line 27, in <module>
    from core       import globalvar
line 75, in <module>
    import wx.lib.flatnotebook as FN
ImportError: No module named flatnotebook
make: *** [g.gui.animation.tmp.html] Error 1*

*While flatnotebook exists within my python modules i don't understand why
it is not being imported successfully. When i run { locate flatnotebook }
command on my terminal i get:*


Has anyone encountered the same compilation problem?


Regards Erick
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