[GRASS-dev] Re: multithreading v.surf.bspline and others with OpenMP

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Mon Jan 2 15:43:02 EST 2012

2012/1/2 Sören Gebbert <soerengebbert at googlemail.com>:

> ATLAS is the C-Implementation of BLAS and parts of LAPACK.[1]
> The advantages of ATLAS over the BLAS/LAPACK Fortran wrapper in GRASS
> is that its supports
> the C-style matrix layout used by the gmath library and that no
> Fortran to C conversion is needed.

This sounds very good.

> As far as i know the BLAS/LAPACK wrapper is not used in GRASS and IMHO
> with the presents of ATLAS and ccmath obsolete.

It was originally introduced to support the i.spec.unmix command which
is sitting since 1999 in the GRASS Addons :) Of course it would be
better to also update i.spec.unmix at this point to completely use
gmath which then calls ATLAS.


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