[GRASS-dev] [GRASS-user] new wxGUI Animation Tool in addons

Sören Gebbert soerengebbert at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 30 06:35:12 PDT 2012

Hi Anna,
you have implemented a great tool! I was able to visualize two space
time raster datasets with different temporal granularity  (mixing year
and month) synchronously. :)
This is really cool.

Having such a great tool raises many wishes that could be implemented
in addition. :)
Here just a few of them:

* It would be great if vector time series are available to visulaize too
  (as vector map list or space time vector datasets). So we can visualize
  for example temperature maps and vector contours at the same
  time in the same frame?

* Having a legend for the raster maps would be very handy for comparison.
  I am preparing a tool to set the color table for a space time raster datasets
  computed from all registered maps. So the maps of a dataset would have
  all the same color table representing the data range of the space
time raster dataset.

* A stepper would be great to step through the time series data
  using the lowest temporal granularity of the visualized space time datasets

* Exporting animation as mp4 or similar :)

* Starting the animation tool from comand line

I have prepared some datasets which you can play with:

These datasets are derived form the ECA&D project E-OBS gridded data[1].
Usage policy od ECAD data is available here [2].

You can simply import the datasets in a Lat/lon location using t.rast.import.

Best regards

[1] http://eca.knmi.nl/download/ensembles/ensembles.php
[2] http://eca.knmi.nl/documents/ECAD_datapolicy.pdf

2012/10/19 Anna Kratochvílová <kratochanna at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I would like to announce that new wxGUI Animation Tool is available
> for testing in GRASS 7 Addons. You can install it with the g.extension
> dialog (or in the command line: g.extension -s
> extension=wx.animation). You can animate a series of raster maps or
> better, a space time raster dataset created by the new GRASS 7
> temporal framework.
> Please, have a look at the videos on the wiki page [1] and the manual
> page. I would like to demonstrate the functionality on some more
> interesting data which I don't have, so I would be glad if someone
> could help.
> Best,
> Anna
> [1] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/WxPython-based_GUI_for_GRASS#Animation_Tool
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