[GRASS-dev] Programmer's manual was not generated

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 02:52:44 PDT 2012

> I discovered some hanging jobs (never happened before).
> Some hours ago I have rerun the prog-man generation, so it should
> be updated now.

I think that it is some Doxygen bug because this not happens with
older version I tried. I haven't discovered the circumstances when the
error happens, anyway, I've posted this to their ml [1]. They may be
more successful.

> On grass.osgeo.org, Doxygen version is installed. Needs to
> be updated?

I tried the latest (1.8.2) too but I got same error (hanging job). In
1.8.2 there are no changes which affect GRASS (C++11, Markdown) so no
special need for update.


[1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CABo5uVtBuBgkfUYsCNeaSh6TAbtNRUU1q_R%2BW7h%2Bf1YvtReQJQ%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=doxygen-develop

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