[GRASS-dev] datums not recognized by g.proj?

Michael Barton Michael.Barton at asu.edu
Sat Sep 29 11:56:42 PDT 2012


It looks like some datums are not being recognized by g.proj. When this happens, datum transform information is not returned. Take a look at this.

wgs84 is recognized by g.proj

GRASS 7.0.svn (newLocation):~ > g.proj -d proj4='+proj=utm +datum=wgs84'
GRASS datum code: wgs84
WKT Name: WGS_1984
Datum transformation parameters (PROJ.4 format):

but European Datum 1995 (eur50) is not recognized. This datum IS listed in ../etc/proj/datums.table

GRASS 7.0.svn (newLocation):~ > g.proj -d proj4='+proj=utm +datum=eur50'
WARNING: Datum <unknown> not recognised by GRASS and no parameters found
Datum name not present
Datum parameters not present

Unless I misunderstand something, this seems to be a serious bug because it affects location creation. I will file a bug report on this if you can verify.

C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University

voice:  480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-727-9746 (CSDC)
fax:          480-965-7671 (SHESC),  480-727-0709 (CSDC)
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu

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