[GRASS-dev] r.pastro add-on

Roberto Marzocchi roberto.marzocchi at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 06:41:40 PDT 2013

Dear GRASS developers,

we are pleased to inform that a new command r.pastro is now available for
download in the Grass6 addons page (SVN repository).
We have also updated the grass add-ons wiki page (
PASTRO is the acronym for Path System Accessibility Tracks Outliner and you
can find more information in this pdf (
http://www.gter.it/documents/flyers/EN/flyer_gpastro.pdf ).

The command is now a GRASS6 bash script which use fortran and python
specific modules. We are trying to totally translate it in Python for
GRASS7, but we need time.. If people are interested to contribute, and also
to report bugs do not hesitate to contact us.

All the best,

Dr. Roberto Marzocchi
R&D coordinator
Gter srl Innovazione in Geomatica, Gnss e Gis
University of Genova Spin-off company
Via Greto di Cornigliano 6r - 16152 Genova
P.IVA/CF 01998770992
ph: 010-8694830 Fax: 010-8694737
mob: 349-8786575
E-mail: roberto.marzocchi a gter.it
skype: roberto.marzocchi84www.gter.itwww.twitter.com/Gteronline -
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