[GRASS-dev] GRASS-dev] On i.histo.match (Re: On (Landsat) imagery naming patterns)

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Aug 1 02:40:52 PDT 2013

On 01/08/13 11:40, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> Michael:
>>>> What about just using r.rescale to rescale this?
> Nikos:
>>> Already tried (in the past) and I don't think it works from DCELL>   8-bit.
>>> It seems to chew-up (silently, as Moritz mentioned I think among the
>>> lines in ticket #2^11) values.
>>> It seems that "integerising" manually, in this case, is the best approach.
>>> With the essential question remaining on "how many fine digits should be
>>> preserved?".
> Moritz:
>> r.rescale is just a frontend to r.reclass. and as such is meant for CELL
>> maps. It should'nt make a difference whether it is 8-bit or more, though.
>> For DCELL you can try to use r.recode.
> Didn't work also (tried the previous days) -- I can try again.

Please be more precise than "didn't work"...


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