[GRASS-dev] Custom GRASS command line prompt

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Thu Aug 1 05:07:05 PDT 2013

> > Do you have customised prompts?  Any ideas for a more productive
> > command line?

> I'd suggest to put the change in ~/.grass.bashrc instead.


I use now the following

export PS1='\[\e[32m\]G$SHORT_VER\[\e[0m\] [ \[\e[33m\]${GLOCATION}\[\e[0m\] 
@\[\e[32;1m\]${GMAPSET}\[\e[0m\] ] : \[\e[36m\]\w \[\e[0m\] 
\[\e[32;1m\]>\[\e[0m\] '

Apart from the colors (with which I was exeprimenting) I think it's much 
cleaner now -- info as a "top" line and the ">" right below in a new line.  It 
looks like:

G70 [ utm_37s @change_detection ] : .../grassdb/onsight  

This eats-up one line.  But, 1) it gives all the space for longer commands and 
2) it works as a useful "separator" (especially if it is colorised) and makes 
searching "back in time" easier.


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