[GRASS-dev] does GRASS 7 for Mac compile yet?

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Tue Feb 5 04:24:45 PST 2013

On the wxpython-problematic for OS-X:

I can compile grass_trunk which ends up with various wxpython related
errors.  So, the gui wont launch.  Could it be that we only need to
properly install

- python 2.7 <http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/python-2.7.3-macosx10.6.dmg>
- wxpython 2.9 (the cocoa build)

and then set up properly GRASS to pick those up?

Since I have previous experience under OS-X (only linux here), I can't
easily switch python versions, etc.

Thanx, Nikos

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