[GRASS-dev] [GRASS-user] i.landsat.toar fails to convert DNs (bands 61 and 62) to temperature for Landsat 7 scene

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Thu Feb 14 05:33:17 PST 2013

Nikos Alexandris wrote:

> While  i.landsat.toar  works just fine with all bands in converting DNs to
> Radiance/Reflectance (with some method=dos?), it seems, at least in once
> case (scene LE71840312002041SGS00), it fails to convert bands 61 and 62 in
> temperature!
> Same happens (as described below in both G64 and G70).
> Can anyone confirm or reject?

[deleted stuff]

Using the old metadata file (in this case: LE71840312002041SGS00_MTLold.txt) 
works fine.

GRASS 6.4.3svn (wgs84_utm_z34_test):~ > r.info -r B.DOS1.ToCR.61

GRASS 6.4.3svn (wgs84_utm_z34_test):~ > r.info -r B.DOS1.ToCR.62

I guess it is a bug (something that got away in latest updates of 
i.landsat.toar towards the newer metadata file).  Will try to check further... 
not today though, deadlines approaching.

Best, Nikos

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