[GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.4.3 release planning

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 5 03:16:24 PDT 2013

status update time,

the main two remaining from my perspective are GRASS_PYTHON
in env.bat and the d.mon Cairo lockup from wxGUI.

i.e. not much.

perhaps wx2.9 + Mac if there is movement on it, if stalled
go without it.

>  #1428: still some missing some dlls

We'll have to wait and see how many people complain about
missing msvcr80.dll and msvcr90.dll, and direct them to the
.NET Frameworks package. But it should be fewer than before..

Users stuck behind a proxy server may still have a bad time
trying to download the MS runtimes. NSIS expert needed to
solve that one. (a real issue for students at my univ., but
not a general blocker IMO)

moving on,

> #943: selecting cairo rendering locks up the wxGUI

After the gui code runs 'd.mon start=cairo' it locks up and
you need to use `xkill` to recover.

I suspect it's some simple waiting for a pipe to close after
a stderr message or so in the wxGUI's custom RunCommand()
python function, but it's not my area of expertise so help

If it won't be fixed in the final release we should grey out the
option, but with all the other bugs around that now fixed it
feels so very close to being solved......

> use full path to GRASS's python.exe in env.bat

keeps coming up, so seems important & simple to do.

> #1971: r.in.bin: fix LFS support in G_ftell()

done, ready to go. (I hope)

> #1849: g.proj datum transforms broken for epsg and proj4 terms
> #1967: wxPy loc'n wiz: doesn't allow ellipsoid without datum

both done, ready to go. (I hope)
lesser issues moved to new tickets targeted at 6.4.4.

> #1952: package 'more.exe' with msys (pager for g.list)
>         (also +tac.exe +seq.exe +xml2.exe and
>> #1275 (about zip.exe)
>  --what controls what unix powertools are packaged
> in extrabin/?


zip is there, but unzip (for r.in.srtm) is not.

xml2.exe makes a big difference for r.in.wms[.sh] which
*now works on wingrass* (!!) / except for the xml2 :)

seq we could live without but it is nice.
same for tac, we work around it missing for Mac as well.

but if we figure out how to add one binary we could easily
add them all.

> #854: building addons on Mac

there was some progress in the last week, what was the outcome?

> It seems we should also add discussion of wx2.9 + mac to this
> todo or not todo list, and get that into devbr6 ASAP for the
> trial and error.

if it is not happening now, maybe release a quick 6.4.4 as soon
as that's ready.

> #: go through changelog for "new and fix" bullet points, add to trac wiki page
> #: write the 6.4.3 release announcement and press release



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