[GRASS-dev] releasing 6.4.3

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 10 04:36:37 PDT 2013

Martin wrote:
> good point, more over there were open four blockers in one
> day by one person just when we claimed to release RC3 and then
> final. We should really change policy in this sense.
> Ideally should come two RC in shorter period (two or three
> weeks) and then final.
> Currently we have RC1 in October, RC2 in December. RC3 who
> knows. Sometimes I have impression that there are people who
> don't care about releases (which is acceptable) and
> people who are in the result blocking (or making releasing
> process painful).

I hope you would agree that the goal is to ship the best bug-free
release we can, and that devs reporting bugs pre-release is a much
better situation than users being hit by the same bugs post-release. I don't like the delay or super-long time between releases any more than you do, and understand the frustration, but knowing about important breakage is only a good thing! -- it is a good thing they are found & fixed weeks before release and not in the weeks after!

Those bug reports all came together because it was the first time I'd tried a new install of WinGrass in months, and I was keeping careful notes of the experience of doing it on a new machine as part of the upcoming release testing. I would hope that more people could do this.

Certainly binary release is out of the question until the license violation in the wingrass packages is resolved. The situation is untenable as-is, but pretty easy to fix with an extra page + [yes/no] + wget as a near-last page the nsi installer I think.

Please let's just focus our energy on fixing bugs and so getting the release out..


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