[GRASS-dev] Does g.parser accept 2-byte flags?

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Sun Nov 3 20:05:13 PST 2013

Vaclav Petras wrote:

> Hi Nikos,

Nikos Alexandris:

> > Is it possible to define a series of flags -cl -ch -mi -ma for a bash 
> > shell grass script, that g.parser will understand? Is it "recommended" to
> > use only 1-byte characters as flags?

> I don't think so. But maybe the option with type string and options defined
> would be what you can use?


> It could be more clearer than flags.

I feel in this case of mine (so to say) it is nicer to have flags than 
eventually writing "low" or "high" and "min" or "max".
> If g.parser supports that, there is a lot of bugs in GRASS... However, the
> documentation shows that Flag structure key attribute is only char (so one
> ascii character/byte):
> http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/structFlag.html

Thanks for the source.

> Try to define two byte flag, maybe it even triggers an error message.

I tried already (some non-sense stuff -- as Glynn's e-mail confirms it is 
impossible to use more than one character -- like):

key: {cl}

In any case, only the first character is read as a flag.

The cl, ch, mi, ma are like "center low", "center high", "minimum modulator", 
"msximum modulator" Plus another two "minimum modulator 2" or "maximum 
modulator 2".

It's hard to select single letters that are easier/directly linked to the 
words min, max, min2, max2. Isn't it? :-?

I was slightly encouraged from ogr's flags "-al -so" :-).  But, hey, c'est la 


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