[GRASS-dev] G7: r.what limited to 400 maps?

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Mon Nov 18 14:00:21 PST 2013


would be be possible to enable r.what to support more than 400 maps? I
fail on multiannual daily time series data extraction.

My brute-force attempt to change
#define NFILES 400
#define NFILES 4000

leads to

GRASS 7.0.svn (latlong):~ > r.what map=`g.mlist rast pat="frac.*"
sep=,` coord=12.833333,47.183333
raster map(s) available in mapset <clouds>:
ERROR: Unable to open input file

which is map number 510 or so.

Patches welcome...


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