[GRASS-dev] r.unpack: unhelpful error message when projection info does not match

Anna Petrášová kratochanna at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 19:48:25 PDT 2013


please test r57969. You should see a diff if the proj_info files don't


On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 6:08 PM, Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> the error (example UTM map import into LAEA location):
> r.unpack landcover_1m.pack
> ERROR: Projection information does not match. Aborting.
> is rather unhelpful. The code is:
>     # check projection compatibility in a rather crappy way
>     if not grass.compare_key_value_text_files('PROJ_INFO',
> os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_INFO')) or \
>             not grass.compare_key_value_text_files('PROJ_UNITS',
> os.path.join(mset_dir, '..', 'PERMANENT', 'PROJ_UNITS')):
>         if flags['o']:
>             grass.warning(_("Projection information does not match.
> Proceeding..."))
>         else:
>             grass.fatal(_("Projection information does not match.
> Aborting."))
> I would suggest to print a "diff -u file1 file2" rather than nothing
> as now (perhaps Python offers a nice way to show the wrong keys to the
> user).
> Or are there other options?
> Markus
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