[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2078: New tool: Ability to draw a region (computation range) from the map display module

Nick Ves vesnikos at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 14:43:05 PDT 2013

Hey Hamish,

Yeah, I know about that module but im not sure if you can specify the

Usually I identify visually a spot in my raster where a certain algorithm
needs to be run. mostly holes that need to be filled with r.fillnulls. So I
don't need it for the hole raster. Just for that spot. So preserving the
raster's resolution makes sense. Plus its trivial to change it the res flag
of 'g.region'.

If you have to do that more than three times, its too time consuming to
querry the edges, and then plug them in g.region

What I had in mind is more like a functionality like the 'zoomIn' button,
but instead of zooming in, it should change the computational extents of
the rectangle you draw.

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