[GRASS-dev] i.spectral limited to 400 files

Yann Chemin ychemin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 18 03:26:03 PDT 2014

In Ubuntu, I could expand the number of opened files by:

#PCA will require the extension of ulimit for open files in Ubuntu
sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf

#There you should enter:
#username            hard    nofile          65000
#username            soft    nofile          10000
#before # End of file

and reboot

On 18/04/2014, Nikos Alexandris <nik at nikosalexandris.net> wrote:
> Yann Chemin wrote:
>> >> is there a way to modify i.spectral to remove the limit of 400 files:
> Glynn:
>> > The limit is from r.what. It probably wouldn't be that hard to fix.
> Markus N:
>> ... "nice to have" for sure.
>> BTW:
>> The next limit would be the operating system. Default Linux allows
>> 1024 files to be opened, which can be increased in
>> /etc/security/limits.conf
> Aren't there, however, any important side-effects in altering this limit?
> There must be a (security?) reason for the number 2^10.
> Nikos


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