[GRASS-dev] G7: turning manual page examples into test cases

Sören Gebbert soerengebbert at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 28 07:27:09 PST 2014

Hi Vaclav,
many thanks at you for taking the initiative here. You pointing out a
nice and very interesting approach.

I fully agree with you that using the Python doctest approach in the
GRASS HTML module documentation is a great idea.
However, i am not a big fan of bash test scripts anymore, since we
have the beautiful gunittest suite. Hence, i would like
to suggest to use a specific syntax in the documentation to define
tests that will then be translated into the according gunittest tests
python code.

Tests should be marked in the HTML code as such using a comment in the
division block that has the key word TEST in it:

<div class"code">
<-- usable as TEST required LOCATION nc -->

Modules that should be tested are marked as such by bash comments
using 3 hash tags and pre-/post-process modules using 2 hash tags.
Here the example code of a r.slope.aspect call in the div block
including pre- and post-processing as well as key-value output check:

## Some pre-processing
g.region rast=elevation

### Here we call the module
r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation aspect=aspect_new slope=slope_new

## Lets have a look at the created raster map by generating key-value output
r.info -g map=aspect_new


The shell code can still be copy and pasted into a shell for execution.

The HTML parser will be able to detect module calls by analyzing the
comments before a command. It is required that all module options are
written as fully qualified names without abbreviation.
This will allow us to use the gunittest framework to create the python
test code:

The parser detects the module name and one option (this should be very
simple to implement) and creates such python code:
import grass.gunittest as gunit
module = gunit.gmodules.SimpleModule("g.region")
module.inputs["raster"].value = "elevation"

The same will be done for r.slope.aspect, but this module should be
tested, since it is introduced by 3 hash tags:
import grass.gunittest as gunit
module = gunit.gmodules.SimpleModule("r.slope.aspect")
module.inputs["elevation"].value = "elevation"
module.outputs["aspect"].value = "aspect_new"
module.outputs["slope"].value = "slope_new"

The module r.info with key value check:
import grass.gunittest as gunit
module = gunit.gmodules.SimpleModule("r.info")
module.inputs["map"].value = "aspect_new"
module.flags["g"].value = True
self.assertModuleKeyValue(module, reference=content)

The parser will find the key-value content right after the r.info call
(like in python doctest) and knows that this is the output of r.info
in key-value format, since the keyword "key-value" is present in the
comment section of the command.
Hence the output of r.info is checked against this content using
gunittest key-value test method.

IMHO this concept can be used to provide several gunittest functions
in the bash style examples. We can specify several keywords that can
appear in the
module comment section to specify ascii output, key-value output and
so on. In addition these kind of tests should also run on Windows.

This approach will indeed limit the usage of bash commands in the test
creation, but i think this is acceptable and it keeps the examples
better readable.

What do you think?

Best regards

2014-12-28 6:25 GMT+01:00 Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I've created a Python script which extracts code from HTML file and puts it
> to a Bash script. It works well for our course websites but even with some
> fixes it does not work for GRASS HTML manual pages. It might work well for
> some modules, so you can try (both attached). Now, I have the following
> ideas in case you want to dive into it on your own.
> The script should be turned into library function and generalized to work
> with different HTML-styles or even different markups (I think that something
> like template method design pattern should work).
> However, it is necessary to distinguish code from other things in the HTML.
> We should look at HTML5 at that point to make the change right once we are
> doing it. Basically we need to make the HTML more semantic. Perhaps some
> additional classes or attributes will be also needed to mark code which
> should not be executed.
> Taking this idea further, we might have different languages at the page such
> as Bash, Python and some platform-neutral command line. Pretty much
> (visually) what we have here:
> http://fatra.cnr.ncsu.edu/temporal-grass-workshop/
> This would also help with solving the issue of running Bash/Shell on MS
> Windows where just the Python and platform-neutral code would be executed
> (which is better than nothing). Soeren's shell interpreter (or
> shell-to-python translator, http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Test_Suite) is
> of course always an option if Bash will have to by used everywhere for lack
> of other tests and examples. But even this requires keeping some rules for
> writing examples, consider the following diff for example ("make bash
> command copy-paste-able to command line"):
> --- vector/v.net/v.net.html    (revision 63739)
> +++ vector/v.net/v.net.html    (working copy)
> @@ -170,10 +170,10 @@
>  <div class="code"><pre>
>  v.net points=geodetic_swwake_pts output=geodetic_swwake_pts_net \
>        operation=arcs file=- << EOF
> -> 1 28000 28005
> -> 2 27945 27958
> -> 3 27886 27897
> -> EOF
> +1 28000 28005
> +2 27945 27958
> +3 27886 27897
> +EOF
>  </pre></div>
> Currently it seems to me that the way to go is running the tests generated
> from documentation only when requested. Requested in this case means writing
> a test file which would use some special API which would generate and
> execute the documentation-based test. This is the way how it works for
> Python doctest, too. The implementation would be on-the-fly genered bash
> script executed from the Python test. Alternative is each example turned
> into one test method but this wouldn't work because the order of method
> execution is not preserved (by Python unittest). So, one HTML file must be
> one bash script.
> The approach above allows module-specific filtering of examples to test and
> clear integration of this tests into module's testsuite. The obvious
> disadvantaged of course is that one has to provide all the test files for
> each module but the alternative would actually be large number of failing
> tests due to strange (not necessarily wrong) documentation and a lot of
> failing tests by default is always wrong.
> The approach with manual addition of tests has actually one great feature.
> Test can specify which maps should be checked against which references which
> can be provided (and checked) in the same way as for all the other scripts.
> As this would not work for all modules unless explicitly requested, there is
> still some place for some kind of monkey testing which would be based just
> on the interface of the module. However, I would prefer not to have these
> tests which might be failing by default together with the standard
> hand-written tests. Anyway, there sometimes the number of errors might be
> lowered by just requesting the modules to fail properly with an error
> message (rather than segfaulting). Another interesting approach is to define
> the interface of modules so well that the test data can be generated in the
> way which in fact fulfills all the advanced requirements the module can have
> (e.g. raster values in range 0-255. This of course goes far into data
> provenance and software metadata topics.
> Vaclav

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