[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2333: choose python interpreter during the GRASS installation on windows

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 13 01:37:03 PDT 2014

#2333: choose python interpreter during the GRASS installation on windows
 Reporter:  zarch                                 |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  enhancement                           |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal                                |   Milestone:  7.1.0                    
Component:  Python                                |     Version:  svn-trunk                
 Keywords:  windows installer python interpreter  |    Platform:  MSWindows 8              
      Cpu:  All                                   |  

Comment(by zarch):

 Replying to [comment:6 glynn]:
 > Replying to [comment:4 zarch]:
 > > The problem if choosing a different python interpreter could
 > > be the ctypes binding of python that must be re-compiled, isn't it?
 > No. The ctypes module allows you to define Python wrappers for
 > C functions using only Python code. Nothing in a compiled GRASS
 > package links against the Python DLL/DSO (there used to be a
 > couple of binary components in wxGUI, but those have long since
 > been removed).

 Perfect! thank you for the clarification!

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2333#comment:8>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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