[GRASS-dev] Possible to use "conditionals" for script options, flags?

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Fri Nov 21 10:41:06 PST 2014

Anna Petrášová wrote:

> Hi Nikos,
> there is a new parser functionality which allows to specify the
> dependencies.There is no documentation, here are the C functions:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/parser__dependencies_8c.html
> recently Glynn added this for python scripts to, i am not sure about 
> the
> syntax, perhaps something like this (just guess):
>  #%rules
>  #% exclusive: -a, -b
>  #% requires_all: opt1, opt2, -a
>  #%end

Awesome!  Will look into it (while working hard at new python scripts).

By the way, your new creation is nice. I had a crash but didn't have 
time to reproduce the crash so I didn't report anyhting yet.

Cheers, Nikos

[rest deleted]

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