[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2501: r.out.gdal -t creates offset values in raster table for integer grids with values beginning with 1

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Wed Nov 26 12:27:19 PST 2014

#2501: r.out.gdal -t creates offset values in raster table for integer grids with
values beginning with 1
  Reporter:  dnewcomb  |       Owner:  grass-dev@…                         
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  closed                              
  Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:  7.0.0                               
 Component:  Default   |     Version:  svn-releasebranch70                 
Resolution:  wontfix   |    Keywords:  r.out.gdal table attribute alignment
  Platform:  Linux     |         Cpu:  x86-64                              
Changes (by mmetz):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => wontfix


 Replying to [ticket:2501 dnewcomb]:
 > Exporting integer grids with values starting with 1 using r.out.gdal -t
 results in a raster attribute table with vertically shifted values in the
 last 3 columns.

 In your example, the output is shifted in the first 2 columns. The last 3
 columns are correct. What software did you use? The faulty fields `OID`
 and `value` are added by this software.

 Here is an example using the NC sample dataset:

 g.region -p rast=landclass96
 r.out.gdal in=landclass96 out=landclass96.tif -t

 This creates a GeoTIFF with an associated file landclass96.tif.aux.xml
 holding the attribute table. The fields and first entry of this attribute
 table are
 min, max, label
 1, 1, developed
 all fine.

 According to `gdalinfo landclass96.tif`, the fields and first entry of
 this attribute table are
 min, max, label
 1, 1, developed
 all fine.

 Exporting landclass96 in Erdas Imagine format (`format=HFA`), there is no
 associated .xml file.

 According to `gdalinfo landclass96.img`, the fields and first entry of
 this attribute table are now
 Red, Green, Blue, min, max, Class_Names
 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, developed

 this is wrong, a bug in GDAL.

 If GDAL itself is not able to correctly reproduce raster attribute tables
 created by itself, other software does not really have a chance to read
 raster attribute tables ay provided by GDAL. Further on, it seems that
 some other software further modifies the raster attribute table:

 It seems that raster attribute tables created by GDAL are not widely
 supported, if yes, errors might be introduced.

 Closing as wontfix because this is a problem of GDAL and GIS software
 other than GRASS.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2501#comment:2>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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