[GRASS-dev] r.stats output

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Wed Sep 24 04:14:30 PDT 2014

Paulo van Breugel:

> I am trying to use r.stats to print out a text file with x and y
> coordinates as well as the area (or cell count). However, it seems 
> any
> choice is mutually exclusive. If I choose to print the grid 
> coordinates and
> to print the area, what I get is the coordinates with the category 
> number.
> If I select to print the category labels and area, I only get the 
> category
> labels.
> Am I doing something wrong, or is this the intended behaviour? If 
> intended,
> would it be an idea to enable printing out any combination of 
> selected
> outputs, e.g., coordinates and cell counts, or coordinates and area 
> totals?

Hi Paulo.  What coordinates would you expect for area totals?  All of 
the coordinates (x,y or -g(rid)) that sum up a aera total?  And how 
would you print this in the command line?

Just trying to understand the logic.


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