[GRASS-dev] Trac syntax for verbatim, source code listings and pre-formatted text

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 06:34:47 PDT 2014

I see often in Trac tickets something like this:

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 9:00 AM, GRASS GIS <trac at osgeo.org> wrote:

>  FEHLER: Feature type 64 is not supported[[BR]]
>  NOTICE:  table "newcs_correct_pg_collect" does not exist, skipping[[BR]]
>  public.newcs_correct_pg_collect RESTRICT"[[BR]]
>  PL/pgSQL function dropgeometrytable(character varying,character
>  varying,character varying) line 15 at EXECUTE statement[[BR]]
>  [Inferior 1 (process 7881) exited with code 01][[BR]]

Each line of some program output or code is ended with [[BR]]. I think that
it is much easier to use triple curly brackets:

some output or code

Why people are using this? An I missing something? It is just because they
don't know about {{{ }}} or there is some Trac magic feature which
automatically adds there [[BR]] to the end of copy-pasted text?

Adding [[BR]] manually seems to me as large amount of work, so I would like
to make known that there is this {{{ }}} syntax in case that somebody does
not know.

By the way, {{{ }}} works also for inline verbatim but using backticks
(`text`) is usually simpler.


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