Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Jun 3 11:12:33 PDT 2015

Martin Landa wrote:

> I have updated G_rename_file() to deal with it [3], do you prefer
> another solution?

Yes. I'd prefer that lib/raster continues to create the file on the
same filesystem as the mapset and atomically rename()s it into place.

IOW, the new tempfile behaviour needs to be availble in addition to
the long-standing behaviour, not a replacement for it.

Whether G_tempfile() itself has the old behaviour or the new behaviour
isn't important. Given that most users of G_tempfile() don't care
where the tempfile goes, making G_tempfile() have the new behaviour
and using a different name for what lib/raster needs is probably less

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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