[GRASS-dev] table with the parser standard options

Pietro peter.zamb at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 21:42:14 PDT 2015

Dear devs,

I was not able to find a table in the GRASS manual pages with a
summary of all the default options as define in
parser_standard_options.c (lib/gis/parser_standard_options.c).
Therefore I wrote a python command line tool to extract them from the
source and print/write to a file in CSV/HTML format.
Probably I should use regexp but I'm not good with them...

The command line tool is attached.

Some usage example are:

$ python2 options.py -t lib/gis/parser_standard_options.c -f csv -o

The command line should be able also to download the source file
directly from a link but it works only partially.

I believe we should add the generated table somewhere in the manual docs.
Should I add this python script to grass_addons/tools?

What do you think?

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