[GRASS-dev] [vincent.ml at oslandia.com: Re: [Qgis-developer] issue move to gh stalled]

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Mon Aug 29 01:04:47 PDT 2016

Hi GRASSers,

anyone interested in this? I use both github and gitlab as well. The
latter (actually gitlab.com) because of the option for cost-free private

I did install once gitlab locally. It was like a 5 minute work.

Cheers, Nikos

----- Forwarded message from "Vincent Picavet (ml)" <vincent.ml at oslandia.com> -----

>Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] issue move to gh stalled
>From: "Vincent Picavet (ml)" <vincent.ml at oslandia.com>
>To: "qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org" <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>, "strk (strk at keybit.net)" <strk at keybit.net>, Björn Harrtell <bjorn.harrtell at gmail.com>
>Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 09:33:16 +0200
>Just a note to say that SAC is currently testing an OSGeo GitLab
>instance. It is on a temporary server, but may be used freely and can be
>used for testing and migration purpose.
>What is currently lacking is not setup time, but instead :
>* a decision from OSGeo's community on what we do want to use as a
>modern software hosting platform
>* a maintainance team
>* a better server for the definitive setup
>I think that if QGIS is willing to migrate to GitLab, using this
>opportunity to join forces with current SAC effort would be great.
>CCed to Bjorn and Sandro who currently lead the testing effort.
>You can already give it a try here (latest GitLab version) :
>Just a On 27/08/2016 13:47, Tudor Barascu wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am volunteering to install, do maintenance if you'll go the gitlab
>> way. I would have said this from the start but I didn't notice that such
>> a discussion was taking place. I am positive that I would manage this I
>> have good enough experience with system administration and I'm actually
>> maintaning a gitlab private instance for about 2 years now.
>> Although I can manage it on my own it would be very nice if somebody
>> else would also be involved.
>> I can also help with migrating the issues from redmine to gitlab.
>> Regards,
>> Tudor
>> PS. I think gitlab would be the better option
>> On Saturday, August 27, 2016 12:00 PM, Andreas Neumann
>> <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
>> Hi Denis,
>> We had a look at hosted solutions (for Gitlab and for Redmine) - but
>> most of them had been too expensive for our case - they have a limit on
>> the number of users that can be associated with a project, or other
>> limits like file sizes/total project size, etc.
>> Running our own gitlab instance would have been an option, but no one
>> volunteered to take on the task of permanently maintaining the
>> infrastructure, e.g. dealing with security issues/patching/upgrading,
>> spammers, deal with the evil guys out on the web. Maybe if we can find
>> someone who wants to take on the task (ideally more than one person), we
>> could reconsider to use a self-hosted gitlab.
>> Note that the new Redmine instance has some integration with github.
>> Jürgen, Richard or Pirmin can tell you the details.
>> What is so bad with Redmine? And exactly what integration with github
>> are you missing? Maybe Redmine can do this integration.
>> Andreas
>> Am 26.08.2016 um 23:03 schrieb Denis Rouzaud:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Being part of the unhappy, I would like to ask if you have considered
>>> running our own gitlab instance or using a gitlab service?
>>> To me integrated solution should be a hard requirement.
>>> If we have to maintain something like Redmine, why not gitlab. It
>>> seems you can categorize issues.
>>> Denis
>>> Le ven. 26 août 2016 22:24, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net
>>> <mailto:a.neumann at carto.net>> a écrit :
>>>     Hi,
>>>     The issue tracker was discussed almost 1.5h at the board meeting - and
>>>     it wasn't a clear and unanimous decision. Some board members
>>>     (including
>>>     me) also changed their minds during the discussion. Apparently not all
>>>     core devs were happy with the quite limited filtering and structuring
>>>     options that github offers. The issue tracker is certainly quite
>>>     limited, compared to other issue tracker offerings. Offering only
>>>     labels
>>>     is quite limited. In addition, migrating all the existing tickets from
>>>     Redmine to Github turned out to be non-trivial - and we don't want to
>>>     loose the old issues.
>>>     Finally, it is probably good that we are in control of the issues and
>>>     that it runs on free software. The board knows that not all people are
>>>     happy with this decision but one cannot make everyone happy ... we
>>>     hope
>>>     that the "unhappy" people can still live with the renewed (and faster)
>>>     Redmine.
>>>     The issues are migrated to the newest Redmine version and on a
>>>     dedicated
>>>     machine rented by QGIS.ORG <http://qgis.org/> to ensure good
>>>     performance. This should make
>>>     dealing with issues much more pleasant and more performant.
>>>     Big thanks to Jürgen, Richard and Pirmin for dealing with the Redmine
>>>     migration.
>>>     Andreas
>>>     Am 26.08.2016 um 22:08 schrieb Marco Bernasocchi:
>>>     > .
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >> I was under the impression that we were leaning towards to
>>>     migrating
>>>     >> to GH issues tracker.
>>>     >> What was the main reason behind choosing Redmine again? technical
>>>     >> issues? lack of time to solve them? Will the migration to a new
>>>     >> Redmine version be effortless?
>>>     >>
>>>     > Me too. I'm still convinced that this is a _very_ sub optimal
>>>     solution for everybody.
>>>     > Pity we really want to stick with something that forces us
>>>     continuing having two different, non integrated tools where one
>>>     could have done it in a great way.
>>>     >
>>>     > Cheers Marco
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Nikos Alexandris | Remote Sensing & Geomatics
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