[GRASS-dev] Modified i.rgb.his

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Tue Aug 30 23:44:12 PDT 2016

Nikos Alexandris:


>> > I would like to push this version into SVN myself. Thus, I'd like to ask
>> > (in the grass-psc list) for commit access. However, I can just submit
>> > another, updated, diff, in ticket #774 for someone to take over.

Moritz Lennert:


>>When I apply this patch I get some compiler warning that need to be
>>fixed first.
>>Also, could you please document the bit_depth parameter in i.rgb.his.html ?

Will take care about the above observations too. Would it make sense to
upload in my sandbox (svn in grass-addons)? I want to avoid
re-submitting multiple patches as I am experimenting.


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