[GRASS-dev] [GRASS-user] GRASS for Mac 64bit, wxPython 3, maybe fix for SIP problem - please test
Rainer M Krug
Rainer at krugs.de
Thu Dec 8 02:49:11 PST 2016
Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu> writes:
> This works if you are compiling it yourself. But I am providing
> installable binaries for people who do not want to compile or are
> unable to do so. AFAIK, Homebrew does not do this.
Partly - homebrew has bottles which provide pre-compiled binaries, but
I don't think they are used in GRASS - checked: no - they are not.
> Michael
> ____________________
> C. Michael Barton
> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
> Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
> Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
> Arizona State University
> voice: 480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-965-8130/727-9746 (CSDC)
> fax: 480-965-7671 (SHESC), 480-727-0709 (CSDC)
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu
>> On Dec 7, 2016, at 8:59 AM, Rainer M Krug <Rainer at krugs.de> wrote:
>> Adam Dershowitz <adershowitz at exponent.com> writes:
>>> Michael,
>>> Was there ever a solution found to running GRASS on the Mac (10.11 or now 10.12) without disabling SIP?
>> I was using the homebrew way of installing it and it worked with enabled
>> SIP.
>> No idea about the native way.
>> Cheers,
>> Rainer
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- Adam
>>> From: grass-user <grass-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu>
>>> Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 7:50 PM
>>> To: GRASS developers list <grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org>, grass-user grass-user <grass-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> Subject: [GRASS-user] GRASS for Mac 64bit, wxPython 3, maybe fix for SIP problem - please test
>>> I just posted a new binary for GRASS 7.3 built fully 64 bit, with
>>> wxPython to the GRASS for Mac site
>>> (http://grassmac.wikidot.com)
>>> It turns out the previous "64bit" GRASS binary still ran 32bit
>>> Python. I had to hack the python_wrapper.py file, but this one is
>>> fully 64bit AFAICT. I also tried
>>> some hacks that might be a way to solve the inability to run GRASS
>>> on El Capitan with SIP enabled. There are a couple of known bugs in
>>> the wxPython 3.x
>>> GUI
>>> 1. The most serious is switching to 3D mode and back to 2D mode
>>> leaves one of the map display menu buttons corrupted. It seems the
>>> only thing you can
>>> do is to close the map display and open a new one.
>>> 2. There are also some popup lists (e.g., for switching mapsets)
>>> that do not behave as they should. You cannot select an item with a
>>> mouse (but you can
>>> select with arrow keys and <return>) unless you hit <escape> to
>>> destroy part of the control. Then you can use the mouse to click
>>> something.
>>> Please let us know if you encounter any other bug or strange behavior.
>>> Also, and importantly if anyone is running El Capitan, it would be
>>> great if you could reenable SIP (if you've turned it off) and see
>>> if this version runs. Of
>>> course, maybe I've "fixed" it so that it only runs on my system and crashes on everyone else's.
>>> Enjoy!
>>> Michael
>>> ____________________
>>> C. Michael Barton
>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
>>> Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
>>> Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
>>> Arizona State University
>>> voice: 480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-965-8130/727-9746 (CSDC)
>>> fax: 480-965-7671 (SHESC), 480-727-0709 (CSDC)
>>> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> grass-user mailing list
>>> grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-user
>> --
>> Rainer M. Krug
>> email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
>> PGP: 0x0F52F982
Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
PGP: 0x0F52F982
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