[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2919: r.stream.extract error

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Sat Feb 20 06:14:17 PST 2016

#2919: r.stream.extract error
  Reporter:  PitStop  |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:  7.0.4
 Component:  Addons   |    Version:  7.0.3
Resolution:           |   Keywords:  r.stream.extract
       CPU:  x86-64   |   Platform:  MSWindows 7

Comment (by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:1 neteler]:
 > I just tried on Linux, no such issue:
 > {{{
 > g.region raster=elev_srtm_30m
 > r.watershed elevation=elev_srtm_30m at PERMANENT threshold=1000
 >    accumulation=accu drainage=drain basin=basin
 > r.stream.extract elevation=elev_srtm_30m at PERMANENT
 accumulation=accu at user1 \
 >    threshold=1000 stream_raster=stream_r stream_vector=stream_v
 > }}}
 > No errors occured.
 > {{{
 > g.version -g
 > version=7.0.4svn
 > date=2016
 > revision=67880M
 > build_date=2016-01-20
 > build_platform=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
 > }}}
 > You marked it as "addon" while it is part of core GRASS 7. Is it
 possible that you are using a leftover Addon version of r.stream.extract?

 Confirmed here in winGRASS. the default value of d8cut seems not to be
 recognized by parser in winGRASS again. see the mentioned ML entry.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2919#comment:2>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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