[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2799: wxGUI: display toolbar size too large

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Thu Jan 28 17:47:54 PST 2016

#2799: wxGUI: display toolbar size too large
  Reporter:  neteler      |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:  7.0.4
 Component:  wxGUI        |    Version:  svn-releasebranch70
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  wxGUI, size, toolbar, mapdisp
       CPU:  Unspecified  |   Platform:  Unspecified
Changes (by wenzeslaus):

 * keywords:  wxGUI => wxGUI, size, toolbar, mapdisp


 I think that splitting it into two parts would make it quite uncomfortable
 when moving the toolbar(s) out of the windows (you would have to fiddle
 with two instead of one). The handle at the beginning of the toolbar would
 make the whole toolbar longer. Putting into two rows is not really an
 option for small (all?) screens.

 In r67699 I have removed the separators which I think were not necessary.
 This makes it one button shorter for me (which is not enough).

 I suggest to remove ''Erase display'' and ''Print display'' buttons. I
 don't think they are that useful. Opinions?

 Comparing to 70 branch, trunk has one more button which is ''Select vector
 feature(s)''. We also added zoom to region recently. Both should be
 definitively there but we should keep in mind that we've already hit the

 The biggest issue probably is the combo box with the different modes. I
 don't know why it is so big on the screenshot from Markus. There are no
 long entries in it in 70 (''2D view'', ''3D view'', ''Digitize''). For me
 it is much smaller (even in trunk where there is ''Vector digitizer'' and
 ''Vector digitizer'') but when the window is too small and the whole combo
 box wouldn't fit there, the combo box just disappears and there is an
 empty space instead. These both issues might be related to wxPython or the
 specific platform. However, the issue probably is that this combo box
 doesn't work well in a toolbar. Further research is needed to determine if
 there is some good replacement. For example, the normal toolbar buttons
 are grouped under one automatically for me when the window is really small
 (the string we use as internal label is shown as menu item).

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2799#comment:7>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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