[GRASS-dev] Errored: GRASS-GIS/grass-ci#998 (master - b6db7bb)

Travis CI builds at travis-ci.org
Tue Mar 8 14:03:16 PST 2016

Build Update for GRASS-GIS/grass-ci

Build: #998
Status: Errored

Duration: 49 minutes and 7 seconds
Commit: b6db7bb (master)
Author: Markus Metz
Message: v.net.spanningtree: update manual

git-svn-id: https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/trunk@68027 15284696-431f-4ddb-bdfa-cd5b030d7da7

View the changeset: https://github.com/GRASS-GIS/grass-ci/compare/31effd58b521...b6db7bbe8878

View the full build log and details: https://travis-ci.org/GRASS-GIS/grass-ci/builds/114624587


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