[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3057: Problems with Numpy and matplotlib after updating through OSGeo4W
trac at osgeo.org
Fri Nov 11 01:47:16 PST 2016
#3057: Problems with Numpy and matplotlib after updating through OSGeo4W
Reporter: veroandreo | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: critical | Milestone: 7.0.6
Component: Python | Version: svn-releasebranch72
Resolution: | Keywords: wingrass
CPU: Unspecified | Platform: MSWindows 7
Comment (by hellik):
Replying to [comment:16 hellik]:
> Replying to [comment:6 martinl]:
> > Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this error also using OSGeo4W. No
idea what could be wrong.
> tested this issue on several winboxes (xp, vista, 7,8,10). everywhere an
issue with the OSGeo4W-wingrass.
I'm getting closer now to the issue:
- download
- install the standalone WinGRASS-7.2.svn-r69794-61
- start it normally from the windowa menue by ''"C:\Program Files\GRASS
GIS 7.2.svn\grass72svn.bat" -gui''
=> everything works fine without any numpy error in winGRASS startup!
next steps:
- copy env.bat and grass72svn.bat from the ''C:\Program Files\GRASS GIS
7.2.svn\'' installation to a folder, e.g. D:\temp\testgrasspython
- in D:\temp\testgrasspython\grass72svn.bat, ''set GISBASE=C:\Program
Files\GRASS GIS 7.2.svn'' points to the standalone installation
- change in D:\temp\testgrasspython\env.bat that the python stuff points
to the OSGeo4W-python:
set GRASS_PYTHON=C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\python.exe
set PYTHONHOME=C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python27
and now you get in the standalone installation (while pointing to the
OSGeo4W-python stuff) the same numpy error in startup like in the OSGeo4W-
there must be a difference between the ''python stuff of the standalone-
winGRASS-build environment'' and the ''OSGeo4W-provided python stuff''!!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3057#comment:18>
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