[GRASS-dev] seg fault of i.atcorr on quickbird

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Mon Nov 28 06:55:44 PST 2016



>>Also I believe the "less than 0.25" thing comes from either (or both) of
>>   static const float wli[5] = {0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001};
>>   static const float wls[5] = {0.161, 0.161, 0.161, 0.161, 0.161};
>>line 2942 in iwave.cpp


>Back in August, I thoroughly checked running the (modified) python script
>against each and every sensor's spectral response data (in form of CSVs)
>we have in our repo.
>I'll give it a quick check -- I can only work on it after December the
>1st though.

The uploaded file is wrong in term of units.  Please see the attached,
here-in, spectral response values (+ the output template) set in the
correct unit. It works fine for me.  I think we had uploaded, back in
August, the "correct" one.

Best, Nikos
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/* Following filter function created using create_iwave.py */

void IWave::quickbird2(int iwa)

    /* pan of quickbird2 */
    static const float sr1[321] = {
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0007, .0014, .0013, .0012, .0011,
		.0011, .0010, .0009, .0010, .0012, .0016, .0020, .0044,
		.0069, .0089, .0109, .0138, .0167, .0213, .0259, .0311,
		.0362, .0434, .0506, .0588, .0669, .0758, .0846, .0939,
		.1032, .1125, .1219, .1334, .1450, .1567, .1684, .1789,
		.1895, .2011, .2127, .2163, .2198, .2392, .2586, .2669,
		.2753, .2854, .2955, .3055, .3154, .3259, .3364, .3410,
		.3456, .3501, .3546, .3579, .3611, .3648, .3685, .3733,
		.3781, .3875, .3969, .4055, .4141, .4276, .4410, .4543,
		.4676, .4829, .4982, .5167, .5352, .5532, .5712, .5925,
		.6137, .6382, .6627, .6839, .7051, .7275, .7499, .7705,
		.7910, .8105, .8301, .8465, .8629, .8770, .8911, .9081,
		.9251, .9293, .9335, .9426, .9518, .9570, .9621, .9610,
		.9598, .9753, .9907, .9941, .9975, .9922, .9869, .9935,
		1.0000, .9938, .9876, .9877, .9878, .9770, .9662, .9573,
		.9483, .9340, .9197, .9190, .9183, .9063, .8944, .8912,
		.8880, .8831, .8781, .8865, .8949, .8921, .8893, .8858,
		.8823, .8869, .8916, .8848, .8780, .8879, .8978, .8933,
		.8888, .8801, .8714, .8690, .8667, .8677, .8687, .8699,
		.8712, .8668, .8625, .8718, .8810, .8814, .8818, .8897,
		.8976, .9024, .9072, .9183, .9295, .9311, .9326, .9198,
		.9070, .9130, .9191, .9173, .9155, .9097, .9039, .8988,
		.8936, .8871, .8805, .8761, .8717, .8605, .8493, .8475,
		.8457, .8505, .8553, .8568, .8582, .8582, .8583, .8627,
		.8671, .8505, .8339, .8390, .8440, .8470, .8500, .8526,
		.8553, .8447, .8341, .8368, .8394, .8235, .8076, .8091,
		.8106, .7850, .7594, .7616, .7638, .7490, .7342, .7204,
		.7066, .7003, .6941, .6788, .6634, .6589, .6545, .6365,
		.6186, .6094, .6003, .5961, .5919, .5832, .5744, .5527,
		.5309, .5139, .4969, .4883, .4798, .4630, .4463, .4305,
		.4147, .4097, .4048, .3893, .3738, .3593, .3448, .3283,
		.3118, .3035, .2952, .2840, .2729, .2648, .2567, .2498,
		.2428, .2322, .2216, .2162, .2107, .2039, .1971, .1873,
		.1776, .1703, .1630, .1557, .1485, .1421, .1358, .1299,
		.1240, .1162, .1085, .1020, .0954, .0893, .0831, .0773,
		.0715, .0675, .0634, .0591, .0548, .0512, .0476, .0288,
		.0101, .0050, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
    /* blue of quickbird2 */
    static const float sr2[321] = {
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0005, .0010, .0015, .0021, .0026, .0031, .0037,
		.0042, .0044, .0045, .0049, .0053, .0047, .0041, .0037,
		.0033, .0030, .0027, .0025, .0023, .0018, .0013, .0015,
		.0018, .0020, .0022, .0023, .0024, .0025, .0026, .0025,
		.0025, .0027, .0029, .0035, .0040, .0053, .0066, .0098,
		.0131, .0208, .0284, .0483, .0681, .1116, .1552, .2164,
		.2776, .3544, .4313, .5306, .6299, .6770, .7241, .7577,
		.7914, .8176, .8439, .8667, .8896, .9037, .9178, .9235,
		.9293, .9447, .9602, .9801, 1.0000, .9958, .9916, .9548,
		.9179, .8452, .7724, .6729, .5734, .4787, .3840, .3247,
		.2653, .2123, .1592, .1204, .0816, .0754, .0692, .0663,
		.0633, .0551, .0469, .0381, .0293, .0235, .0176, .0152,
		.0127, .0126, .0125, .0127, .0129, .0128, .0126, .0119,
		.0111, .0106, .0101, .0098, .0096, .0094, .0093, .0095,
		.0098, .0102, .0106, .0105, .0104, .0091, .0079, .0066,
		.0054, .0045, .0036, .0031, .0026, .0026, .0025, .0025,
		.0025, .0025, .0025, .0027, .0028, .0027, .0027, .0027,
		.0027, .0030, .0033, .0039, .0044, .0067, .0089, .0125,
		.0162, .0202, .0242, .0256, .0271, .0231, .0191, .0137,
		.0083, .0070, .0056, .0063, .0070, .0086, .0102, .0111,
		.0121, .0106, .0091, .0064, .0037, .0032, .0027, .0028,
		.0029, .0028, .0027, .0029, .0031, .0032, .0032, .0034,
		.0036, .0034, .0033, .0034, .0036, .0036, .0036, .0034,
		.0031, .0032, .0034, .0033, .0032, .0031, .0031, .0031,
		.0030, .0031, .0033, .0033, .0033, .0035, .0036, .0036,
		.0037, .0039, .0040, .0041, .0041, .0042, .0043, .0042,
		.0042, .0046, .0050, .0049, .0048, .0053, .0059, .0058,
		.0057, .0057, .0056, .0055, .0053, .0053, .0052, .0052,
		.0052, .0052, .0052, .0052, .0053, .0055, .0057, .0063,
		.0068, .0075, .0083, .0090, .0098, .0101, .0105, .0107,
		.0109, .0101, .0093, .0085, .0076, .0069, .0061, .0056,
		.0050, .0046, .0042, .0039, .0035, .0032, .0029, .0025,
		.0021, .0019, .0017, .0016, .0016, .0015, .0014, .0013,
		.0012, .0012, .0012, .0012, .0012, .0012, .0011, .0011,
		.0011, .0011, .0010, .0011, .0011, .0012, .0012, .0012,
		.0012, .0013, .0015, .0016, .0018, .0017, .0015, .0015,
		.0015, .0015, .0014, .0013, .0012, .0006, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
    /* green of quickbird2 */
    static const float sr3[321] = {
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0015, .0031, .0036, .0040, .0031,
		.0022, .0023, .0023, .0019, .0015, .0015, .0014, .0011,
		.0008, .0010, .0011, .0012, .0012, .0012, .0012, .0012,
		.0012, .0012, .0011, .0012, .0012, .0013, .0014, .0016,
		.0019, .0021, .0023, .0026, .0028, .0033, .0037, .0046,
		.0055, .0077, .0098, .0138, .0178, .0206, .0234, .0268,
		.0301, .0356, .0412, .0504, .0597, .0789, .0982, .1274,
		.1566, .1924, .2282, .2739, .3196, .3686, .4175, .4726,
		.5277, .5928, .6579, .7138, .7698, .8005, .8312, .8378,
		.8445, .8575, .8705, .8893, .9082, .9271, .9460, .9640,
		.9819, .9910, 1.0000, .9967, .9934, .9876, .9818, .9755,
		.9691, .9733, .9774, .9822, .9869, .9761, .9652, .9316,
		.8979, .8445, .7910, .7230, .6551, .5687, .4822, .3973,
		.3124, .2579, .2033, .1706, .1378, .1139, .0901, .0729,
		.0557, .0461, .0365, .0322, .0278, .0270, .0262, .0268,
		.0274, .0275, .0275, .0259, .0242, .0214, .0186, .0167,
		.0148, .0140, .0132, .0132, .0132, .0132, .0132, .0124,
		.0116, .0104, .0092, .0076, .0061, .0052, .0043, .0038,
		.0032, .0030, .0029, .0029, .0029, .0035, .0040, .0051,
		.0062, .0069, .0076, .0076, .0076, .0067, .0057, .0047,
		.0037, .0032, .0026, .0024, .0022, .0024, .0026, .0028,
		.0030, .0029, .0028, .0030, .0031, .0032, .0034, .0037,
		.0040, .0039, .0038, .0041, .0044, .0043, .0041, .0040,
		.0038, .0036, .0035, .0034, .0032, .0031, .0030, .0030,
		.0030, .0031, .0031, .0032, .0032, .0033, .0033, .0035,
		.0037, .0041, .0044, .0048, .0051, .0060, .0069, .0073,
		.0078, .0084, .0091, .0091, .0092, .0091, .0090, .0088,
		.0086, .0083, .0080, .0078, .0076, .0075, .0075, .0075,
		.0076, .0077, .0078, .0080, .0081, .0081, .0082, .0080,
		.0078, .0072, .0067, .0061, .0056, .0051, .0046, .0043,
		.0039, .0035, .0031, .0029, .0027, .0023, .0020, .0018,
		.0017, .0016, .0015, .0014, .0012, .0012, .0013, .0012,
		.0011, .0010, .0009, .0010, .0010, .0009, .0009, .0008,
		.0008, .0008, .0009, .0009, .0009, .0009, .0010, .0010,
		.0011, .0012, .0013, .0012, .0011, .0011, .0011, .0010,
		.0009, .0009, .0010, .0009, .0009, .0004, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
    /* red of quickbird2 */
    static const float sr4[321] = {
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0019, .0037, .0031, .0024, .0020,
		.0016, .0018, .0019, .0016, .0012, .0011, .0011, .0010,
		.0009, .0009, .0010, .0009, .0009, .0011, .0013, .0010,
		.0007, .0009, .0012, .0012, .0013, .0013, .0013, .0012,
		.0012, .0011, .0010, .0013, .0015, .0018, .0021, .0024,
		.0028, .0029, .0031, .0030, .0029, .0029, .0028, .0029,
		.0030, .0032, .0035, .0036, .0037, .0034, .0032, .0026,
		.0021, .0021, .0022, .0023, .0024, .0025, .0027, .0029,
		.0031, .0032, .0033, .0034, .0035, .0036, .0037, .0041,
		.0046, .0049, .0053, .0056, .0060, .0061, .0063, .0065,
		.0066, .0068, .0069, .0073, .0078, .0084, .0090, .0096,
		.0102, .0110, .0118, .0128, .0139, .0158, .0177, .0207,
		.0238, .0286, .0334, .0399, .0464, .0548, .0631, .0751,
		.0872, .1077, .1281, .1666, .2050, .2675, .3301, .4130,
		.4960, .5790, .6620, .7337, .8054, .8447, .8840, .8976,
		.9112, .9265, .9418, .9608, .9798, .9878, .9958, .9979,
		1.0000, .9961, .9923, .9723, .9524, .9125, .8726, .8128,
		.7530, .6767, .6004, .5119, .4235, .3520, .2806, .2228,
		.1651, .1304, .0957, .0744, .0531, .0417, .0302, .0261,
		.0220, .0210, .0201, .0204, .0207, .0211, .0215, .0205,
		.0196, .0172, .0148, .0121, .0095, .0081, .0066, .0058,
		.0050, .0048, .0045, .0043, .0042, .0043, .0045, .0048,
		.0051, .0055, .0060, .0063, .0067, .0064, .0062, .0053,
		.0045, .0038, .0031, .0029, .0027, .0026, .0024, .0025,
		.0025, .0025, .0025, .0024, .0024, .0025, .0026, .0025,
		.0024, .0025, .0026, .0026, .0025, .0026, .0026, .0026,
		.0025, .0024, .0023, .0024, .0024, .0023, .0022, .0022,
		.0021, .0021, .0020, .0019, .0019, .0019, .0020, .0021,
		.0021, .0023, .0025, .0026, .0028, .0028, .0028, .0027,
		.0025, .0020, .0015, .0013, .0012, .0011, .0011, .0010,
		.0010, .0010, .0010, .0010, .0010, .0009, .0008, .0008,
		.0008, .0008, .0007, .0007, .0007, .0007, .0007, .0007,
		.0007, .0006, .0006, .0006, .0006, .0007, .0007, .0007,
		.0008, .0007, .0007, .0007, .0006, .0007, .0009, .0009,
		.0009, .0008, .0008, .0008, .0008, .0009, .0009, .0009,
		.0009, .0008, .0006, .0007, .0008, .0004, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
    /* nir of quickbird2 */
    static const float sr5[321] = {
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0007, .0014, .0021, .0029, .0036, .0044, .0051,
		.0059, .0061, .0063, .0062, .0060, .0057, .0054, .0045,
		.0035, .0028, .0021, .0023, .0024, .0021, .0017, .0020,
		.0023, .0021, .0019, .0017, .0016, .0018, .0019, .0019,
		.0018, .0017, .0015, .0015, .0015, .0017, .0019, .0018,
		.0017, .0021, .0024, .0025, .0025, .0028, .0031, .0036,
		.0040, .0044, .0047, .0047, .0047, .0048, .0049, .0045,
		.0042, .0043, .0044, .0046, .0048, .0050, .0052, .0054,
		.0056, .0054, .0052, .0047, .0042, .0036, .0030, .0028,
		.0026, .0026, .0026, .0026, .0025, .0027, .0029, .0027,
		.0026, .0030, .0034, .0043, .0053, .0066, .0079, .0089,
		.0099, .0101, .0102, .0090, .0079, .0064, .0049, .0049,
		.0048, .0056, .0063, .0070, .0077, .0078, .0079, .0072,
		.0065, .0054, .0044, .0041, .0038, .0038, .0037, .0037,
		.0036, .0036, .0036, .0038, .0039, .0042, .0045, .0047,
		.0049, .0053, .0057, .0059, .0061, .0064, .0068, .0070,
		.0073, .0079, .0086, .0093, .0100, .0106, .0112, .0117,
		.0122, .0126, .0129, .0132, .0135, .0140, .0144, .0150,
		.0156, .0164, .0172, .0184, .0196, .0218, .0241, .0268,
		.0294, .0319, .0343, .0375, .0407, .0448, .0490, .0545,
		.0599, .0664, .0729, .0817, .0905, .1050, .1195, .1410,
		.1625, .2024, .2424, .3015, .3606, .4268, .4930, .5640,
		.6350, .7166, .7983, .8726, .9469, .9735, 1.0000, .9986,
		.9971, .9837, .9702, .9526, .9350, .9179, .9009, .8853,
		.8698, .8606, .8515, .8449, .8382, .8352, .8322, .8289,
		.8256, .8230, .8204, .8137, .8070, .7957, .7844, .7669,
		.7495, .7267, .7040, .6911, .6782, .6638, .6494, .6313,
		.6132, .5900, .5669, .5493, .5317, .5117, .4917, .4644,
		.4371, .3943, .3515, .3134, .2753, .2485, .2216, .1910,
		.1604, .1385, .1166, .1003, .0840, .0756, .0672, .0540,
		.0409, .0307, .0205, .0170, .0135, .0118, .0100, .0089,
		.0078, .0071, .0064, .0059, .0054, .0050, .0046, .0040,
		.0035, .0031, .0028, .0026, .0024, .0023, .0022, .0022,
		.0021, .0020, .0019, .0018, .0018, .0019, .0019, .0018,
		.0016, .0017, .0017, .0017, .0017, .0019, .0020, .0021,
		.0021, .0021, .0020, .0020, .0019, .0018, .0017, .0018,
		.0018, .0018, .0017, .0018, .0020, .0010, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
		.0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000,
    static const float wli[5] = {0.300, 0.300, 0.300, 0.300, 0.300};
    static const float wls[5] = {1.100, 1.100, 1.100, 1.100, 1.100};

    ffu.wlinf = (float)wli[iwa-1];
    ffu.wlsup = (float)wls[iwa-1];

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 1501; i++) ffu.s[i] = 0;

    case 1: for(i = 0; i < 321; i++)  ffu.s[20+i] = sr1[i];
    case 2: for(i = 0; i < 321; i++)  ffu.s[20+i] = sr2[i];
    case 3: for(i = 0; i < 321; i++)  ffu.s[20+i] = sr3[i];
    case 4: for(i = 0; i < 321; i++)  ffu.s[20+i] = sr4[i];
    case 5: for(i = 0; i < 321; i++)  ffu.s[20+i] = sr5[i];

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