[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2765: added "_1" to attribute table's name when working with v.overlay

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 2 13:50:25 PDT 2016

#2765: added "_1" to attribute table's name when working with v.overlay
  Reporter:  lfurtkevicova  |      Owner:  martinl
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  normal         |  Milestone:  7.2.0
 Component:  Database       |    Version:  7.0.1
Resolution:  fixed          |   Keywords:  database, v.overlay
       CPU:  x86-64         |   Platform:  Linux

Comment (by mmetz):

 Replying to [comment:11 martinl]:
 > Replying to [comment:10 mmetz]:
 > > What are the results now with `v.overlay olayer=0,1,2` and with with
 `v.overlay olayer=1,2,3`?
 > What is the difference between `olayer=0,1,2`, or `olayer=1,2,3` and
 `olayer=0,1,1`? The manuals just says "If of the olayer option is greater
 than 0..."? All (`olayer=0,1,2`, `olayer=1,2,3` and `olayer=0,1,1`)
 commands produce just one table linked (tested with 7.0.5svn), so the
 MTABLE is not needed I would say. Is there any possibility that
 `v.overlay` produces a map with more tables linked?

 The intention of the olayer option is to produce a map with zero to 3
 layers, optionally with attribute tables. There were two bugs in
 v.overlay, preventing options like `olayer=0,1,2` or `olayer=1,2,3` to
 produce a map with multiple layers (to be precise, categories in multiple
 layers). Fixed in r69348-50 (trunk, relbr72, relbr70).

 `olayer=1,0,0` should produce new unique categories i output layer 1.
 `olayer=0,1,2` should copy categories from ainput, alayer to output layer
 1 and copy categories from binput, blayer to output layer 2, unique new
 categories are not created. `olayer=1,2,3` should create unique new
 categories in output layer 1, copy categories from ainput, alayer to
 output layer 2 and copy categories from binput, blayer to output layer 3.
 `olayer=0,1,1` should copy categories from ainput, alayer to output layer
 1 and not copy categories from binput, blayer because the output layer
 numbers are identical.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2765#comment:12>
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