[GRASS-dev] temporally aggregate a vector time series

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 00:18:43 PDT 2016

Hello Sören,

Thanks for your answer :)

2016-09-07 21:57 GMT+02:00 Sören Gebbert <soerengebbert at googlemail.com>:
> Hi,
> unfortunately, there is no vector aggregation available at the attribute
> level.

Ok, I understand... attribute aggregation is the problem, not geometry

> However you can transform your time series of vector point data into
> coarse raster data time series, aggregate it and sample the result with the
> point coordinates (t.vect.observe.strds). Make sure that vector points
> belong to single pixels, hence one point per pixel.

Yes, after I wrote to the list, I thought of this by-pass, too
(v.to.rast, create the strds and register maps, to then aggregate as
desired and sample with t.vect.observe.strds). However, I'll loose the
attributes in the original vector points.
So, I thought of better splitting the original vector by weeks in R
(split), then write all weekly vector maps into grass (writeVECT) and
register the STVDS.

btw, is that paper regarding temporal algebra you mentioned once
already published?? I would like to study that.

Thanks again :)

Best regards,

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