[GRASS-dev] using g.mapset to create new mapset

Paulo van Breugel p.vanbreugel at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 10:06:26 PDT 2017

On 04-04-17 18:49, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> On 04/04/17 18:44, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>> On 04-04-17 17:52, Moritz Lennert wrote:
>>> On 04/04/17 17:00, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>>>> Dear devs,
>>>> When using g.mapset with the -c flag a new mapset should be created,
>>>> e.g.,
>>>> g.mapset -c mapset=tutorial location=nc_spm_08_grass7
>>>> This does create a new folder 'tutorial' within the nc+spm_08_grass7
>>>> location. However, the folder is empty. Just checking if I miss
>>>> something before filing a bug report.
>>>> I am using self-compiled grass7 master on Ubuntu 16.04
>>> I cannot confirm with recent trunk:
>>>> g.mapset -c test
>>>> ls /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/test
>>> WIND
>>> So, the mapset contains what is necessary, i.e. the WIND file. What
>>> else were you expecting in an empty mapset ?
>> It works for me if I am creating a new mapset in the same location, but
>> not if I create a mapset in another location, like below:
>>  > g.mapset -c mapset=test location=nc_basic_spm_grass7
>> Gives me a new empty (i.e., no WIND file) folder 'test' in the location
>> folder of nc_basic_spm_grass7. Does this work for you?
> No, I can confirm the problem. g.region -d fixes it, but it shouldn't 
> be necessary. Probably warrants a bug report.

OK, done, #3326 <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3326>

> Moritz 

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