[GRASS-dev] Fixed: GRASS-GIS/grass-ci#1853 (master - ccd9b3d)

Travis CI builds at travis-ci.org
Tue Jan 10 13:35:05 PST 2017

Build Update for GRASS-GIS/grass-ci

Build: #1853
Status: Fixed

Duration: 1 hour, 21 minutes, and 48 seconds
Commit: ccd9b3d (master)
Author: Václav Petráš
Message: rst: add raster and gmath to libraries

Also reorder libraries to more common order.
Add dependencies synced to libs.
Leave math in libs as in other modules
although it likely should be in extra or just get it from link command.

This is meant to fix compilation on Mac where some of the libs are
in EXTRA_LIBS which is reasigned.

git-svn-id: https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/trunk@70334 15284696-431f-4ddb-bdfa-cd5b030d7da7

View the changeset: https://github.com/GRASS-GIS/grass-ci/compare/d4f53cff5c3c...ccd9b3d95fbd

View the full build log and details: https://travis-ci.org/GRASS-GIS/grass-ci/builds/190733881


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