[GRASS-dev] GSoC idea: v.in.osm enhancement

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Fri Jan 27 12:41:58 PST 2017

Luca Delucchi wrote
> On 25 January 2017 at 10:36, Martin Landa <

> landa.martin@

> > wrote:
>> 2017-01-25 10:31 GMT+01:00 Luca Delucchi <

> lucadeluge@

> >:
>>> no, the new v.in.osm support PBF but more improving could be done. I
>>> will modify the idea...
>> thanks, Ma
> I read better the proposal, is still valid instead is possible to read
> pbf/osm file only using osm2pgsql but the proposal would like to have
> different backend options

sorry, don't understand right above.

from the proposal:

"Until now a script, called v.in.osm, exists, but it is able to import data
only from a PostgreSQL database after using ​osm2pgsql to convert OSM format
to PostgreSQL/PostGIS.This project has to implement the capabilities to
import directly the .osm or .pbf format."

.pbf format can already be read. 

see the manual: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/manuals/addons/v.in.osm.html

Import from PostgreSQL DB:

v.in.osm input="PG:host=localhost dbname=gis user=ostepok"
table=planet_osm_line \
         type=point,line output=roads where="highway is not null" 

Import from OSM PBF file:

v.in.osm input=saarland-latest.osm.pbf table=lines type=point,line
output=roads \
         where="highway is not null"

so maybe the gsoc proposal has to be adapted to extended backend support.

best regards
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/GSoC-idea-v-in-osm-enhancement-tp5304492p5305136.html
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