[GRASS-dev] Week 02 Report: GRASS Locations from Public Data

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 05:27:11 PDT 2017


[rest skipped]

> More info on how to treat Sentinel in GRASS would be good.

Once you managed to get to Level 2A (from TOA to BOA), the rest is
similar to other imagery datasets (I think ESA was about to start
providing Level 2A data, dunno if they have...).
MarkusN added support for Sentinel2 in i.atcorr, but I have not tested
that, so far... Has anyone tested?

> Vero, didn't you write a tutorial on this ?

yes and no... MarkusN shared some info/scripts, and I further worked
on it to create a wiki, but did not finish it... I've been doing some
simple stuff with S2 recently that could be added... No time right
now, but definitely a TO-DO for FOSS4G-EU code sprint :)


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