[GRASS-dev] Week 02 Report: GRASS Locations from Public Data

Zechariah Krautwurst zfkrautw at ncsu.edu
Mon Jun 12 13:30:29 PDT 2017

Forgot to include GRASS-dev on this. Keep the good ideas coming!

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 8:49 AM, Zechariah Krautwurst <zfkrautw at ncsu.edu>

> Moritz,
> Thank you for your feedback.
>> IMHO, I think it would be better if we avoided additional outside
>> dependencies as much as possible. Is it really that hard to implement our
>> own download routine of SRTM ?
> Agreed. I'm temporarily using the Elevation python package to figure out
> how it is indexing and clipping SRTM tiles from user input coordinate
> boundaries.
>> I don't know if you have already made a list of target datasets, but I
>> would plead for using global datasets, instead of USA-only datasets,
>> whenever possible.
> Double agreed. The initial goal is to create the USGS pipeline as proof of
> concept and apply the framework to broader global data sets and API's.
>> You can check the wiki page on global data sets for inspiration:
>> https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Global_datasets
>> Also don't hesitate to update this page if you come by any other
>> interesting global datasets.
> Definitely good to keep in mind. I've been keeping good documentation of
> my workflow and resources. I hope to spend some time updating the online
> GRASS documentation with that information as I go along.
> Please let me know if you have any other thoughts!
> Zeke
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