[GRASS-dev] LSCorridors as module/addon on GRASS GIS

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue May 16 07:53:48 PDT 2017

Hi Bernardo,

On 16/05/17 15:17, Bernardo Santos wrote:
> Dear all,
> we have developed a GRASS module called Landscape Corridors
> (LSCorridors), published last month at Methods in Ecology and Evolution:
> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210X.12750/abstract
> It aims at simulating multiple functional ecological corridors, based on
> species perception and landscape influence.
> The code and details may be found here:
> https://github.com/LEEClab/LS_CORRIDORS/wiki/

This sounds really interesting !

> At first, it was an application called inside GRASS and using other
> GRASS modules, but which run with a GUI using wxPython. However, now I
> am adapting it so that it may be called as a GRASS GIS module, as
> r.ls.corridors.
> It seems that it is running ok, but if I call it without parameters, the
> GRASS GIS window does not open normally. Also, we are testing it inside
> the lab, but more people testing it would be nice.

Try using --ui to launch the GUI. How do you call it (terminal, command 
console) ?

> Then, I would like to ask for some support on how to standardize the
> package so that it may be useful for more people and maybe be available
> in future versions of GRASS or as an addon (or other possibilities to
> make it available).

The best path is certainly to add your r.ls.corridors to the addons with 
a good manual page, including examples using the NC demo data set (if 

Inclusion into core GRASS GIS does not happen very often and is based on 
the assessement that a module is considered covering core functionality, 
and that it provides sufficient tests [1].

> I can post some specific questions, but I am not sure if this mail list
> is appropriate for that.

It definitely is. Please ask whatever you need.


[1] https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/manuals/libpython/pygrass.tests.html

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