[GRASS-dev] [GRASS-user] Grass on MacOS (Ken Mankoff)
Carlos Grohmann
carlos.grohmann at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 15:13:16 PST 2018
After installing it, it kinda froze the first time I opened it, but the
second time there was no issues.
NVIZ works!
I tried to run some python scripts and in the first time I got an error
message, complaining about matplotlib, but luckily the error message said
to use 'pythonw' instead of 'python' and with that, all the libraries were
imported (matplotlib, seaborn etc).
I noticed that there is no command line history in python.
Will keep testing
On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 8:14 PM, Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu>
> I've just posted a new GRASS 7.2.2 dmg to the GRASS for Mac web site (
> http://grassmac.wikidot.com). This one is compiled with gettext for
> internationalization. Please test.
> I have not been able to get 7.4 to compile yet.
> Michael
> ____________________
> C. Michael Barton
> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
> Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
> Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
> Arizona State University
> voice: 480-965-6262 <(480)%20965-6262> (SHESC), 480-965-8130
> <(480)%20965-8130>/727-9746 (CSDC)
> fax: 480-965-7671 <(480)%20965-7671> (SHESC), 480-727-0709
> <(480)%20727-0709> (CSDC)
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu
> On Jan 16, 2018, at 9:37 PM, Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu>
> wrote:
> Hi Helena,
> I am very glad that it works for you so easily. A HUGE thanks is owed to
> Eric Hutton of the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS), an
> NSF facility and scientific network for modeling in the earth sciences. It
> was Eric's idea to try this through Anaconda. He provided guidance and I
> worked though a lot of testing it as an Anaconda build last summer, but was
> unable to get it to a point where GRASS could reliably be compiled and then
> distributed. Over the last couple months, Eric has worked out how to solve
> those problems, including making a launchable app and packaging it all in a
> dmg. There is a bit of fine tuning left to do in the workflow, but it is
> essentially distributable now--making it the first time I've been able to
> create a stable and easily installable binary in a year and a half.
> Parallel to this, Eric proposes (and has worked out the protocol) of also
> making GRASS available as an Anaconda package. He has created an Anaconda
> 'recipe' to do this. After getting the app/dmg distributed, I will follow
> his lead to test how this works as an alternative for those who use
> Anaconda for Python.
> This new build has a couple of characteristics quite different from
> previous Mac versions. Most importantly, all needed dependencies are
> bundled inside the app. This makes for a bigger app, but hopefully
> eliminates any conflicts among dependency versions. No more separately
> installed "frameworks". No more conflicts if you (or a program) install
> another version of Python or wxPython somewhere. And hopefully, no more
> issues with Apple's 'system integrity protection' (SIP).
> This test version does not include gettext for internationalization or
> libLAS. I wanted to test it as we've been developing the workflow, without
> adding anything else until I can confirm that it works. However, I think it
> will be easy to include gettext because there already is an Anaconda
> version available. LiDAR support may be trickier. I have previously
> compiled libLAS. I think it may be possible to work out how to link and
> bundle it in this Anaconda version. That said, there seems to be work in
> the dev team for substituting PDAL as a LiDAR support library, and Anaconda
> already supports PDAL. So if we can substitute PDAL functionality for
> libLAS functionality, we can do it all within an Anaconda environment.
> This is also a full 64 bit version of GRASS. No more need to compile it
> dual architecture 32/64 bit. This solves a number of compiling and running
> issues, and means that the GUI now must run in wxPython 3 and above (still
> Python 2.7). There are several GUI bugs that show up in switching from
> wxPython 2.8 to 3+. I've created tickets on the 3 I know of. The most
> annoying 2 of these should be pretty easy to solve for the people who are
> actively managing the GUI (the menu button bar does not properly revert
> back to 2D buttons after displaying 3D, and a custom pull-down list control
> does not recognize mouse clicks). I don't know if the 3rd one is easy or
> difficult to solve (the interactive supervised classification module
> crashes GRASS).
> Please feel free to distribute and get back in touch with me and Eric if
> you run into any issues.
> Cheers
> Michael
> ____________________
> C. Michael Barton
> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
> Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
> Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
> Arizona State University
> voice: 480-965-6262 <(480)%20965-6262> (SHESC), 480-965-8130
> <(480)%20965-8130>/727-9746 (CSDC)
> fax: 480-965-7671 <(480)%20965-7671> (SHESC), 480-727-0709
> <(480)%20727-0709> (CSDC)
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu
> On Jan 16, 2018, at 6:53 PM, Helena Mitasova <hmitaso at ncsu.edu> wrote:
> Michael,
> thank you for the dmg file - great news - I was able to get GRASS running
> on my new laptop in less than 10 minutes including download. On first
> double click it refused to open that it is not verfied but it allowed me to
> open it by clicking on it and selecting Open in the menu ( I remebered that
> trick from the past).
> I noticed that it does not have r.in.lidar (I am aware of the issue) but
> nviz and map swipe runs, g.gui.animation has a problem. Anyway it is
> fantastic to have GRASS Mac binary back - thank you all for the effort,
> Helena
> On Jan 16, 2018, at 6:08 PM, Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu>
> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I just started from scratch and compiled GRASS under Anaconda, created an
> app, and created a dmg. It runs with a double click. This is great!!
> Tonight, I will test on my laptop at home with SIP turned on. Fingers
> crossed.
> Cheers
> Michael
> ____________________
> C. Michael Barton
> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
> Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
> Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
> Arizona State University
> voice: 480-965-6262 <(480)%20965-6262> (SHESC), 480-965-8130
> <(480)%20965-8130>/727-9746 (CSDC)
> fax: 480-965-7671 <(480)%20965-7671> (SHESC), 480-727-0709
> <(480)%20727-0709> (CSDC)
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.public.asu.edu_-7Ecmbarton&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=lk-7X7CEOMDN8GaGVhiDsuO6gEp1wbG6nfT1XEEEtR0&m=dkeB-ZwEUnUzUPDg3GviAwO4UuwwuVgxucWgLe6F9qk&s=1w-MJ9w4Erk8BK7WYjb276z_sPjXFTdZ55vhijfKYts&e=>,
> http://csdc.asu.edu
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__csdc.asu.edu_&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=lk-7X7CEOMDN8GaGVhiDsuO6gEp1wbG6nfT1XEEEtR0&m=dkeB-ZwEUnUzUPDg3GviAwO4UuwwuVgxucWgLe6F9qk&s=u8Mnc23Rg0THY5G7BvTF92f2I2ab-51FFzdA-_LYSNk&e=>
> Helena Mitasova
> Professor at the Department of Marine,
> Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
> Associate director and faculty fellow at the Center for Geospatial
> Analytics
> North Carolina State University
> Raleigh, NC 27695-8208
> hmitaso at ncsu.edu
> http://geospatial.ncsu.edu/osgeorel/publications.html
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__geospatial.ncsu.edu_osgeorel_publications.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=lk-7X7CEOMDN8GaGVhiDsuO6gEp1wbG6nfT1XEEEtR0&m=dkeB-ZwEUnUzUPDg3GviAwO4UuwwuVgxucWgLe6F9qk&s=zNLT_Z6rG3dZiCrrxSiPMKaKwpjLcuCLhX0gnmMRWoc&e=>
> "All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which are
> sent to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public Records
> Law and may be disclosed to third parties.”
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> grass-user mailing list
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Prof. Carlos Henrique Grohmann
Institute of Energy and Environment - Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil
- Digital Terrain Analysis | GIS | Remote Sensing -
Can’t stop the signal.
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